Goldstein Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM

Aug 24, 2017

Map and magnifying glass with car keys | Goldstein Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAMIf you want to be sure that you are keeping your automobile at its best, get ready for your road trip by ensuring that you’ve checked all the boxes on your vehicle’s recommended maintenance checklist. Taking the time to make sure that your car is well-maintained will help keep it running smoothly and prolong its lifespan. In the short-term, doing so keeps you safe by preventing a breakdown when you’re miles from home on unfamiliar turf. Get started by taking care of these items before your next long drive.

Get Preventive Maintenance Checks

Regular inspections will take your vehicle performance to new heights. These routine service checks should include repairs like engine oil changes, transmission repairs, and switching out your spark plugs. Buying an automobile service plan in advance gives you access to repair contractors that can handle this work.

If you neglect regular engine and transmission maintenance, you will require more significant repairs, such as having to replace your engine cylinders, change out the camshaft, and rebuild the entire transmission. It’s best to stay on top of these preventative repairs, so that you avoid paying far more money on these more serious issues.

Check Fluid Levels

Learning how to check your fluids is crucial to the success of your car. For instance, oil needs to be checked when the engine is cool. You’ll need to pop the hood and check the color of the oil. Engine oil that is lighter brown or cream colored is considered healthy, while dark or black oil needs to be changed as quickly as possible.

Transmission fluid needs to be checked when the engine is warm. When the transmission fluid is fresh and pink, it is considered new. However, transmission fluid that is black or burnt needs to be drained and changed at once.

When you leave your transmission out to dry, it will be corrosive and will wear your automobile down. Get your oil changed regularly and make sure that you contact a brake service professional that can drain and change your fluid. Make sure that you also get your hydraulic fluid and coolant changed as frequently as recommended.

Plan Travel Carefully

Whenever you’re taking a trip and want to make sure that your car is operating at tip-top shape for the duration, planning your logistics is essential. Know how far you’ll be traveling in miles and make sure your car is equipped for the drive. When you look into your mileage ahead of time, you will be able to mitigate some of the problems that you might encounter. For example, if you get great highway mileage but only fair fuel economy in cities, avoid taking the scenic route if you want to save money at the pump.

Before hitting the road, take the time to make sure that your car’s preventive maintenance is up to date. Take it in to our service center, so that any outstanding items are taken care of prior to traveling. Doing so can prevent you from experiencing serious, expensive problems while you’re away from home.